It was announced this weekend that the Steelers have had to delay naming their new mascot after receiving more than 70,000 submissions for what this big foam guy should be called.

  1. What Does The Steelers Mascot Look Like
  2. What Does The Seahawks Mascot Look Like
  3. Do The Steelers Have A Mascot

How hard can picking a name be? Let’s take a look at the entries…

What Washington's New NFL Logo Should Look Like, According To Graphic Designers Fans, graphic designers and members of the public have been proposing alternative names and logos for years.

Look at images of Bam Morris who only played when the Steelers were on an 'upswing' in their history. You will see Worley's emblem, and the rest of the team for that matter, was always going 'downhill'. You will see the '94 / '95 team's emblem going 'uphill'. In the mid to late eighties the word 'Steelers' was inclined, going ten degrees south. Steely's autograph is known to be drawn with an oversized 'S' and the 'L' is drawn to look like a beam of steel.

What Does The Steelers Mascot Look Like

What Does The Steelers Mascot Look Like

Rejected names and phrases from the category of “Other”-

  • “Hey isn’t that Purdue’s mascot?”
  • “Yinz making Steelers bucks now so next round is on you at the Lithuanian Club.”
  • “Pirate Parrot is my wing man because he can pull same tail.”
  • “They chose this instead of cheerleaders?”
  • “Better than that Terrible Towelie guy.”
  • “Stanley P. Kachowski – Mall Cop/ WDVE cliche since 1985”
  • “I thought the Chin went to the Browns North Carolina.”

And my favorite, the actual file name for this picture on –

  • “07_UrbanImpact_Mascot”

Yes. “Urban”.

By Zac WassinkThe of YardbarkerWhat does the steelers mascot look like Do the steelers have a mascot

The weirdest sports mascots past and present

A variety of professional and collegiate sports mascots are iconic figures, some of which are famous on their own. The San Diego Chicken, or The Famous Chicken, may be the world's most well-known mascot even though he has no single team affiliation. ESPN and other outlets have used Mr. Met in television commercials. The Penn State student section chants for the Nittany Lion at every home game.

What Does The Seahawks Mascot Look Like

Not every mascot is a gem and a hit that lives on for generations. Some are downright weird and, truth be told, creep us out. With that said, many weird and unconventional mascots are beloved by local fans and those who pose for pictures with the furry creatures. Others, however, have faded from our memories.

Do The Steelers Have A Mascot

May they never return.

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