Prepare Him Room Let the peace of God, to which also you are called in one body, rule in your hearts. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15 God wanted a connection, So the Word became Flesh; God came do. Excerpt from Advent Wreath & Candles: Understanding the Meaning, History and Tradition. Advent and Christian Life. While Advent is certainly a time of celebration and anticipation of Christ’s birth, it is more than that.

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  3. Advent 1682 K965

At the downtown post office, one of the clerks is a deaf man. He is very tall and heavyset. When he was younger he had a full head of blonde messy hair and he looked like a boyfriend I used to have.

So for years I would stand in line and part of me would hope that a different clerk, a hearing clerk, would say “next” before the deaf clerk motioned to me. But every so often I would get the deaf clerk and he would flip open a notebook full of questions and instructions tucked into protective clear sleeves.

Wednesday in the 3ʳᵈ Week of Advent. 16: Thursday: Thursday in the 3ʳᵈ Week of Advent. 17: Friday: Advent Weekday (December 17) 18: Saturday: Advent Weekday (December 18) 19: Sunday: 4ᵗʰ Sunday of Advent. 20: Monday: Advent Weekday (December 20) 21: Tuesday: Advent Weekday (December 21) m. Saint Peter Canisius, priest and doctor of the. THE STORY Though he knows such beliefs are forbidden, Vice-Caesari Marcus Valerius of the Therion Cohort is willing to lay down his life in service to the immortal God-Emperor, for the good of all mankind.

“Hello. I am deaf.”

“How can I help you?”


Depending on what I was mailing, he would flip to a different page. It wouldn’t take any longer than a hearing clerk but it felt like more work, maybe because I would have to look through his book when I needed to find the right question to ask him but mostly the work was to not be an impatient jerk.

Today he had two linked keyboards with screens. He typed, “Hello. I am deaf.” And instead of answering, I handed him my two packages. Then I typed, “I’m glad to see this accommodation.” And he answered, “$1.75 is the cheapest.” And so I nodded and paid. He handed me my change and gave me two thumbs up with a questioning look. I smiled with a thumbs up. Our exchange was over.

When I walked away, I wondered if he saw my cochlear implant receiver on the back of my head. I wanted the message to be ‘I get it about being deaf’ but the truth of the matter is I don’t, not his kind of deafness, not profound, having to do one’s job in customer service for years with nothing but a looseleaf binder kind of deaf. For a moment, I wanted him to see me as a deaf compatriot but he didn’t, because I wasn’t. It was a good thing to think all this. It made me glad I was next in his line.

Prepare Him Room


Let the peace of God, to which also you are called in one body, rule in your hearts. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15

Advent 1682 K965 Manual

Peace [pēs] noun: freedom from disturbance; tranquility.

It’s amazing how just reading the definition of peace can calm our hearts! If ever there is a time we need peace, it is right now. There is so much going on around us that troubles our minds and hearts. But worry robs us of our peace. When we give our concerns over to God, He gives us peace. (Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.) There is a mantra that I say to myself when I’m overly concerned about something:

Don’t worry, but worship, don’t panic, but pray; trust in the Lord.

Advent 1682 K965

It’s natural to be concerned about a difficult circumstance we’re experiencing, but God doesn’t want us to be consumed by it. It may sound trite, but when I pray about the particular situation that is causing me distress and start singing praise songs to the Lord, I’m filled with a sense of peace that can only come from Him! The circumstances may not have changed, but my demeanor has, and I am able to move forward. Jesus came to give us peace in a troubled world. He acknowledged that in this world we will have troubles, but the good news is that He will give us a peace that passes all understanding. (Philippians 4:6,7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.)

I’m sure Mary and Joseph were worried about where they would spend the night when there were no rooms left in town. But God prepared a room for them, and their hearts were at peace. When we prepare Him room in our hearts, peace follows. We may be surrounded by a disruptive storm, but Jesus can calm that storm. Just as the eye of a hurricane is tranquil, Jesus can be our peace in a storm when we make Him the center of our life. Prepare Him room in your heart this Christmas and the Prince of Peace who came into this world will calm your soul.

Advent 1682 K965

Lord, calm my heart and mind when I am feeling stressed and anxious. As I give over my concerns to You, may I feel Your peace flood my soul as I rest in Your presence. Amen